Please forgive me that this post is late! Below is the homework for the week:

Monday: Read Saved at Sea, chapter 3 and answer comprehension questions (due 9/10), complete rounding activity in math notebooks, spelling test (practice book pg. 5 #1-10) on 9/4, and bible memory verse test (2 Timothy 2:15) on 9/4

Tuesday: language arts practice book page 3, math textbook page 13 #1-8 and 16, bible worksheet

Wednesday: math textbook page 15 #9, social studies pg. 19 #2-4, language arts practice book pg. 6

Thursday: math textbook pg. #1-8, story map for Donavan
libby martinez
11/8/2012 06:07:20 am

i loved the experiment but are you going to put a photo of us and are you going to put homeworks of this month ??

love you miss.E
from libby your student

11/14/2012 04:54:03 am

ohhh teacher i like this website i want you to write more and that do not have more exams in dicember and january


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